Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


set Setup/Packet-Capture/Capture-to-File/Files/<Name> <name> yes /usb/<File <file name> <Logical <logical interface>

In this example, the command would appear as follows:



The command to deactivate the trace is set Setup/Packet-Capture/Capture-to-File/Files/<Name> <name> no (in this example set Setup/Packet-Capture/Capture-to-File/Files/LAN-1 no). Since the entry itself is retained, it can be activated again with the command set Setup/Packet-Capture/Capture-to-File/Files/<Name> <name> yes.

Multiple entries can be created and multiple Wireshark traces can be written to the USB stick at the same time.

Interfaces that can be specified as logical interface include, among others, the LAN interfaces (e.g. LAN-1), Wi-Fi interfaces (e.g. WLAN-1), or a DSL modem (LL-VDSL). The interfaces available on your device can be viewed in WEBconfig in the menu Extras → Packet-Capturing → Interface-Selection.

You can view the status of packet-capture instances with the terminal command ls Status/Packet-Capture/Capture-to-File/Files.


3) Transferring the trace file via SCP:

To access the traces, the USB stick can be connected to a PC and the files can be copied from there. If this is not possible or is inconvenient, it is also possible to download the files from the USB stick attached to the LANCOM router / access point with the help of SCP.


scp root@<IP address of the LANCOM router / access point>:/usb/<Name <name of the trace file> <New <new file name>

In this example, the command would appear as follows:
