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LANCOM LX-6500(E) with LCOS LX up to version 6.12:

If you operate an access point of the type LANCOM LX-6500(E) with PoE, the IEEE standard 802.3bt must be used in order to utilize the full functionality of the device.



As of LCOS LX version 6.14 REL, there are improvements in the operation of the LANCOM LX 6500(E) with PoE according to 802.3at. You can read about the improvements in this Knowledge Base article.



If a LANCOM LX-6400 is only operated with PoE according to IEEE 802.3af, only two streams (2x2MIMO) can be used in the WLAN and the ETH-1 interface is throttled to a maximum data throughput of 1 GbIt/s.